
Our Little Pharma Adventure

We believe the earth has given us everything we need.  Have you noticed? Nature has special ability to soothe your soul, mind and body.  Just by walking through the woods, feeling a soft breeze, smell of blossoms, you feel relaxed, happy and calm.  The answer is all around us.  Take a moment.  Take a slow, deep breath, and pay a little attention to the natural world around us.

Family and friends suffer from severe adverse effects of big pharmaceutical medication.  It was so hard to watch them suffer.  Out of desperation and determination, Little Pharma was born.

We started to research and learn more and more about the natural way of healing, methods and recipes, old and new from all over the world.

The way big Pharmaceutical companies fills you with man made, chemically laden pills with so many adverse side effects.  Then more and more medicine to counter those side effects.  It’s really scary.  What really is in these tiny little tablets?  We are not denying that all of medicine fails or they are bad for us. We do believe the modern medicine plays an important role in our health, and longevity. But we have lost the ability to see that most of our medical needs live all around us.

With great help from family and friends and inspirational like minded people around the world, our adventure with Little Pharma will continue, finding the amazing natural healing power around us.


Little Pharma does not by any means give out any kind of medical advice or diagnosis, cure or prevention for any disease or symptoms.  Please do your own research and seek medical advice from your doctor or medical practitioner before purchasing or use of our products.

All information on (articles, recipes, medical information, etc,) is transcribed directly from antique sources, most over 100 years old and should be considered for entertainment and educational purposes only.

We do not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of these information.
Any action you take upon the information on or it’s products is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be held responsible or liable for any losses or damages in connection with the use of website or products.

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